We are able to offer places to any child who have reached the age of 2 years old, subject to our available spaces and Admissions policy
We are able to accept 24 children at each session
Children in nappies are accommodated- we ask that you supply nappies, sacks, wipes and a change of clothing each session
Until your child reaches funding age, all Welland Pre-school sessions are charged at £5.09 per hour for 3/4 year olds and £7.05 for 2 year olds . Invoices are emailed to parents at the start of each term, with payment required within 14 days (unless a payment plan has been pre-authorised by our finance department)
Universal NEF hours are accepted
Any hours attended outside of funded hours are charged at the above hourly rate
We also accept 2 year old funding and 30 hours funding to those eligible. You can check your eligibility on the Worcestershire County Council website
Our pre-school can accept childcare vouchers; please contact us to discuss which you use & what we can arrange to accept
As we are a pre-school, we mimic the same term-times and hours as local schools
We run:
Morning sessions from 09:00-12:00
Lunch session 12:00-13:00
Afternoon sessions from 13:00-15:00
We generally require a minimum of 2 sessions per week on separate days in order to help children settle and feel happy at the pre-school
We now offer a Breakfast Club from 08:30 until 09:00 which includes a choice of cereal or toast for breakfast for £2.50 per session
Please complete our application form and return it to enquiries@wellandpreschool.org to reserve your child a space on our waiting list !
Application Form (pdf)