The care and education offered by our pre-school helps children to learn about the world around them by providing interesting activities that are appropriate for their age and stage of development. Each child's interests and learning styles are key factors in the way toys and activities are organised and planned
Our setting uses the practice guidance Early Years Foundation Stage to plan and offer a range of play activities through both indoor and outdoor areas
The areas of learning and development are:
All of our activities (including the really messy ones!) are based on a theme and geared for fun & learning. Themes can include Animals, All about me, Stories, seasons and people who help
Themes usual last for a half term and are influenced by our children's interests.
We experience different cultures by studying events such as Diwali and Chinese New Year. We experience the foods of cultures at snack time for example poppadoms or noodles
Responsibilities are offered to the children on a daily basis which boosts confidence and self-esteem. They love to wash up after snack-time, help with a piece of equipment, show a toy and talk about it at group time.
We have a display table where children are able to contribute their own things and "finds" which links to our topic, and can be admired & shared with their friends. This helps reinforce and extend their knowledge through participation both in the setting and outside it
To give parents & carers a window into Pre-school, track their development and see what fun we have, we use an online learning journal designed for Early Years called Tapestry
Each pupils have their own secure profile to record photos, observations and comments in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This builds a record of your child's experiences during their time within the setting. The system allows the pre-school to work with parents & carers to share information and record the children's learning inside & outside of the classroom
Parents & carers have their own secure log in provided by us. There is also a Tapestry app that is easy to use that can also send notifications when a new entry is made
Whenever a new entry is created to your child's journal, it is checked by the manager before being saved to the profile. Parents can choose who to give access to so they can share this with family and friends should you wish! You only need to contact the pre-school to ask who you would like to be set up to see the journal
This fabulous technology allows staff and parents to monitor and report on children's progress, as well as a great keepsake for parents
Each child has the opportunity to encounter a wide range of stimulating equipment and toys with their friends
Construction takes place with a variety of sets and materials - motorways and bridges are built and toppled; zoos are constructed and filled with animals. Bigger..... smaller.... square.... rectangle - language is extended and expressed
The home corner produces social interactions where children's imaginations are let loose. Everyone enjoys role-play, especially tea parties, doctor's surgeries and a trip to the vet! Taking turns, sharing and language all flow naturally
The creative area promotes experimentation with hands-on sensory and expressive work (lots of lovely "touchy-feely" things such as paint, sand, play-dough, sequins
Pens and paper, jigsaws and counting items are always encouraged. Children use numbers for counting and simple problem solving. Thinking critically helps comparing and matching. Name cards are used throughout the day to help with name recognition
Programmable toys and computers support learning and introduce technology. We have iPads that also helps children learn how to use technology
Songs, rhymes
A quiet read, jigsaw, chat or play is facilitated in our Quiet Room where children respect and appreciate the small group and 1:1 time. We also have iPads in this area
Outdoor activities contribute to children's health and their physical development. We provide a safe and secure outdoor play area which our children have free access to for most of the morning and afternoon sessions. This gives space for movement and fresh air with toys that are stimulating and fun
We have a lovely new natural area for Forest Fun where the children can explore in the mud, use the mud kitchen and even grow their own vegetables
Our Pre-school is located in the Spitalfields that is also used for the Welland Football Club (outside of pre-school hours)
We use this area for supervised, adult-led group activities which is invaluable for physical games and play